Step 3-Are you sabotaging your dating chances from meeting a high-quality man you truly deserve?

How you could sabotage your dating chances

If you are a high-achieving woman, or supermum and want to get your dating decision right, you will need to value your self-development if what you have been doing so far on your dating or relationship journey hasn't been working out for you.

Your brain will always protect you from seemingly dangerous situations.  Especially, if you think deep down negatively about men, relationships, or yourself. Your subconscious brain is programmed to divert your attention when your fight or flight response is activated to keep you away from another stressful situation your brain regards as dangerous e.g. even a dating situation. Or you may have been invited to a lovely social event that you know eligible men are attending, but you decide not to go because you are too busy, but deep down you prefer to avoid going to protect yourself (e.g. for the fear of being hurt again). This subconscious behaviour will continue to sabotage your chances. You also need to know your Step 1 postcode and address to recognise the right Mr Right, Step 2 is to understand how to recognise a man communicates with you that glue that will build a stronger relationship.

Unless you become aware of the way you think, and what you believe to be true, and the way you communicate. your magic genie will continue to deliver your self-fulfilling prophecy, the man you believe deep down will turn up e.g. a guy who will let you down, want you for sex, is not committed.

To accelerate your dating journey in minutes, instead of the 20 years it took me to figure you out.

  1. Get your Top 3 Dating Tips every woman needs to know! Why do men ghost you, are unreliable or don't commit (that women don't realise)?

2. Or discover your blindspots, and what is stopping you on my next Free Masterclass Training Webinar.

- Your love quote today -

Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused. Paulo Coelho.

To unravel your confusion, and fill your heart and life with your missing ingredient, let me help you get it right if you are ready to Recognise, Attract and Build your most loving high-quality loving relationship that will thrive and survive!

With loving wishes

Karen Marshall x

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