Reignite Your Dating and Relationship Approach 

Attract Your Perfect Match (High-Quality Man)

For Smart, Driven, Successful Women 

Working with the leading (UK) Dating and Relationship Coach Karen Marshall

Click Here - To Uncover Your Dating Blindspots (That No Body Tells You) & stops you finding a high-quality man !

Karen Marshall, a leading (UK) Dating and Relationship Coach, is a unique expert for women serious about their results in love. 


At a crossroads or given up on love? 

Women come to me daily, telling me things like this .......

“I am fed up with dating men who ghost me, are unreliable or don't want to commit."

I worry that time is running out and I might never find my perfect match (the right high-quality man for me)."

I’m scared of starting another new relationship and getting hurt again. I attract all the wrong men." 

I am exhausted from the dating game and men who want me for sex."

“I have everything I could want in my life but the one missing ingredient. I feel I am missing out.”

I’m fed up doing everything on my own and going to social events alone.

“I book my diary so far ahead to keep myself busy so I don't feel lonely or alone."

If these problems sound familiar.
Like so many other women, you'll want to know what needs to change to attract your perfect match (high-quality man).

What do I need to change?

Most women think they must work hard at dating,  endlessly chasing the next potential date, to find their high-quality man.  

Or do nothing until they are ready to start dating. 

Karen Marshall your Dating and Relationship Coach/Expert says what you need to do is:

In advance, learn how to attract the right perfect match (high-quality man  to you) BEFORE IT MATTERS. 

Clear any blind spots continuing to block or sabotage your chances with the right quality man, before you meet him.

Easily express yourself TO ATTRACT the right quality man who will find you irresistible.

Become the best YOU to build a lasting relationship with a quality man who will love, value and respect you.

Following cutting-edge practices and toolkit to significantly improve your dating and relationship survival together.

And that all starts with a Dating MOT Toolkit....

What is a dating MOT Toolkit? Let me explain…

You have worked hard to achieve success in business, but if you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results with men.

The dating MOT Toolkit gives you the missing knowledge, wisdom, and insights in advance of dating, in advance of being ready to prepare you will the practical skills to attract your high-quality man who will love, value and respect you, find you irresistable and want to commit!

The MOT is a proven step-by-step approach that works for driven and determined women who love learning and are hungry to accelerate their results in love.   

To Uncover Your Dating Blindspots (That No Body Tells You) To Attract Your High-Quality Man!
Click Here
Introducing Karen Marshall leading (UK) Dating and Relationship Coach, Unique Highly Qualified expert and Accredited self-care expert.

Karen Marshall is the right expert, she has been where you are, with over 20 years experience. She knows what works and doesn't!

Karen Marshall from Love Coaching You, is all you need.  She is so much more than a Dating and Relationship Coach/Expert. Karen is a visionary passionate about changing the way we approach love worldwide. She is an accredited Coaching Academy Personal Development Life Coach, a highly qualified Dating and Relationship, healthy communication and well-being expert (in the mind, body, and energy), Mentor and Trainer.

Achieving over a 95% success rate with her clients hungry for results, Karen’s dating MOT will propel you to attract your high-quality man who will want to build a future with you.  Will find you irresistible and want to commit! 

What makes her unique from many other dating/relationship experts,  she has been where you are and attracted her quality man to know what works/doesn't on the dating-to-love pathway.   Always work with the right expert who has achieved the results you want. Karen is the expert to fast-track your dating and relationship success in weeks.

Karen made the same mistakes most women make, so you don't have to.  Join her next webinar to avoid wasting any more time or your life making the same mistakes and get the toolkit every woman needs to know to attract your high-quality man who will love, value, and respect you! 

To Uncover Your dating blindspots
That No Body Tells You - Click here!
Your Results 
Karen Marshall transforms her client's emotional intelligence, cognitive thinking, energy, and biology and jump-starts their power of attraction to attract the right high-quality man.  

Integral to your relationship happiness,  you will learn techniques to overcome conflict quickly to bring love back into flow to build a thriving loving relationship!

Training with top industry relationship experts and gurus, coaches and mentors, Karen's rare professionally trained combination and personal experience will uncover the blind spots, nobody tells you.

Attracting the love of her life, her Mr High-Quality Man, whom she has been with for over 15 years and happily married to for 9 is what makes her so passionate wanting to help you fill your heart and life with the love you truly deserve!  
Click here
To Uncover The Dating Blindspots 
(No Body Tells You About)!
3 Step Process
Step 1
Join the next FREE Training Webinar (Your MOT), the first step, to discover what is stopping you from finding your high-quality man!

Step 2
Schedule your Free Discovery Coaching Call (once you have completed your Webinar Training) other experts charge for.
Step 3
Join the next Winning Woman Academy Live Virtual Event (unlike any other online retreat experience) to get your 4-step dating and relationship toolkit.
Click Here - To Uncover
Your Dating Blindspots
No body tells you about!
Your FREE Gift - The Top 3 Dating Tips

If men are ghosting you, are unreliable, don't commit (what women overlook) but men sense and see about you!
Yes please, I want the Top 3 Dating Tips
Karen Marshall Love Coaching You 
Client Success Videos/Testimonials
Some of the successful women who hired me and get results!
Never believed it would be possible
Elizabeth Accountant
Finding my website, Elizabeth booked her Discovery Session.  She was so impressed she decided to invest in working with me professionally following the 3-month programme. Elizabeth has now met her sweetheart (her high-quality man) who is respectful, listens, values her and wants to commit to building a future together! They both cannot believe they have met each other! 
Find your missing ingredient
Vanessa, Consultant 
Worked with me after she had been separated for three years. She used the material from my toolkit with a man she had just met. Six months later she was planning her wedding with the love of her life, now blissfully married.

Transform your life
Jo, Brand Strategist

Before we worked together Jo realised all her values were wrong and had been dating the same type of narcissistic men for over seven years.  She now attracts very different men and is building a new future with the man of her dreams.
Become the Best You
Suzanne, Client Manager- Before hiring Karen I was very critical of myself. I have struggled with self-confidence all my life and felt that relationships ended because I wasn't good enough, young enough, or pretty enough. I always felt partners didn't love me enough. I have always been relatively positive but even so, I have recognised a big shift in my attitude. The programme has been so much more than relationship coaching as it had such a positive impact on all areas of my life. A big thank you, Karen. I am so glad I found your website. I continue to practice and live and breathe everything we talked about. My man is out there and I am so excited for my future. I am now the best me that I can be!

Transform your thinking, transform your life
JT, Practitioner My self-esteem and confidence was so affected by my past relationships. By following each step making time to really see and listen to what Karen is talking about I started to recognise my thoughts stopping me find another relationship. I am no longer settling for less, which is the most important lesson I have learned.  I have felt lost experiencing so many negative relationships. I now feel completely different to the way I used to think. 
It has been an amazing life-changing 
programme and only gets better and better with every step you complete. It is amazingly exciting to believe that anything is now possible I didn’t believe before. You will not look back...I promise!

Decided not to settle for second best
Jane - Brand Consultant, I left a relationship to find the man I wanted to share my future with.  Working with Karen, I am now with a man I share greater appreciation, fun and the adventure of life with together. Thank you Karen for keeping me accountable I otherwise wouldn't be with Johnathan.  

Understand The Law Of Attraction?

To attract and recognise the right partner, the magical law of attraction is not enough on its own. You will need vital relationship and dating skills to navigate your communication, challenges and conflict to build a healthy, happy and thriving relationship that works.  Find out how when you join the next webinar.
"I still pinch myself sometimes when I think of my old life with everything I could want but no one to share it with me.  Today I love the life I live, that wouldn't be possible if I hadn't done the work to recognise and attract Dave, the love of my life.

Living Together, Engaged or Getting Married?
The most precious engagement or wedding gift you could buy your daughter or son is a Healthy Relationship Communication Toolkit VOUCHER to secure their happy ever after together, especially if they have a family.

What would be more valuable? The ultimate wedding day, or ultimate relationship happiness and success toolkit?
Yes I Would Like To Discuss This option

Considering Separation?

If Marriage Counselling or Relate Has Not Worked or Right For You? 

Most of my clients are successful single women, but also couples come to me who want to be empowered together, and who don't want therapy or marriage counselling.  In my experience, there is nothing wrong with you, (you simply need to learn new communication skills together).

Before you make the biggest decision of your life, to end your relationship, get the clarity and informed insight to strengthen or save your relationship or decide to separate, before it’s too late. 

Get your toolkit b
efore you visit a mediator or Family Divorce Lawyer (who will care but wants to get you divorced). 

Yes I want answers to save, strengthen or separate
Have you been single or divorced a while?

How does coaching work?

Considering Separation or divorce?
